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A's: Words - Teenage Jerk Off
ABRASIVE WHEELS: Maybe tomorrow - Just another punk band - The army song
ACCIDENTS: Blood splattered with guitars
ACCIDENT(UK): Blitzkrieg bop
ACCIDENT(US): True detective
Reason for treason
ACES: One way street
ACT: Sure fire - Skip the beat
ACTION: Get back to meto - She's Got My Heart
ACTION NOW: When wednesday comes - Then and now
ACTIVE DOG: Fun while it lasts
ADICTS: England - Marie Whitehouse - Johnny was a soldier
ADVERTS: New church - Bored teenagers - Great British mistake
ADVERTISING: Ich libbe dich - Stolen love
AGENTS: Modern girls
AGONY COLUMN: Love in the head
AHA: Whiskey
AIL SYMUDIAD: Garej patadwys - Edrych trwy y camerau
ALIEN BEAT: Stora barn
ALIENS: Follow that girl
ALTER EGO: Tell that girl to shut up
AMBER SQUAD: Six of me - (I can't) put my finger on you - Can we go dancing
AMBULANCES: Its all up to you
ANDREE & THE DANCERS: Russian girl
ANGELIC UPSTARTS: Guns for the Afghan rebels - Pride of our passion - Teenage warning
ANTI PASTI: One friday night - Freedom row - Six guns
ANTI-NOWHERE LEAGUE: For you - Streets of London - Let's break the law
ANY TROUBLE: Yesterday's love - Turning up the heat
APARTMENT: The alternative
ARLIS: No way baby - I Wanna Be
ARTFUL DODGER: Come close to me - Think think
ATLANTICS: When you're young
AUTOGRAPHS: While I'm still young - Fabulous
AUTOMATICS: When the tanks roll over poland again
AVENGERS: Second to none - The american in me
AVO 8: Is this the end - Gone Wrong
BACK SET ROMEOS: Zero Ambition
BABIJ JAR: Ice age
BACK TO ZERO: Your side of heaven
BADBOLL: Badboll lever! - Radio
BADFINGER: Andy Norris
BADGE: Dancing - Tomorrow - Instant girl
BAITERS: Tomhet - Droga för att vaga
BALONEY HEADS: I'm a drunk
BANDABLES: Love lies down
BANGS: Call Me Out
BARRACUDAS: Summer fun - Surfers are back - Grammar of misery
BATMEN: Get on your kness - Never again
STIV BATORS: It's cold outside - Make up your mind - Not that way anymore
BBC: Love you all night
BEE CEE CEE: You gotta know girl
BEARS: On me - Insane - Decisions
Paul Collin's BEAT: Don't wait up for me - Walk out of love
BETHNAL: The outcome - We've gotta get out of this placer
BETRAKTARNA: Nästan allt
BIG M: I want you
BIJOU: Pas comme vous - Sidonie - Le tueur
BIKINI: Le vide de tes nuits - Nouvelle morale
BILDSTÖRUNG: Retortenkider
BLADES: Ghost of chance - Hot for you - Muscle men
BLAZERS: Country Girl
BLESSED: American bandstand
BLIND ALLEY: Whistle march
BLITZ: Someone's gonna die - We are the boys - Razor in the night
BLITZ: You Don't Have To Tell Me
BLITZ BOYS: She told my friends
BLITZEN: Snart fast
BLITZZ: Degeneration
BLONDIE: X Offender - Hanging on the the telephone - Dreaming
BLUE: Danger sign
BLUE MEANIES: Pop sensibility
BOBALOUIS: Not a second chance
BODENS FÄSTNING: Människor av plast
BONGOS: Glow in the dark
BONYTHON PARKAS: Until tomorrow
BOOMTOWN RATS: Looking after number one - (She's gonna) do you in
Hemliga BOSSE: New image every day
BOYFRIENDS(us): Wrapped up in a dream - I dont want nobody - I need your love - You're the one
Andrew BOX & THE SHAMES: Ge mig en pilsnerfilm
BOYS(UK): Independent girl - Monotony - Cast of thousands - First time
BOYS(US): You make me shake - She's my girl, she's all mine - I'm not satisfied
BOYS(AUS): When you're lonely
BOYS(SWE): Brudar brudar - Vi tar vad vi vil
BOYS LIFE: I Found Her
BOZOS: Weekend Girl - Fool out of me
ANDREW BOX & THE SHAMES: Ge mig en pilsnerfilm
BRAKES: Blame it on the Brakes
BRAM TCHAIKOVSKY: Girl of my dreams - Can't Give You Reasons
BREAKAWAY: One way ticket - Walking out of love
B. RIFF BAND: Waiting Beside
BRIARD: Superstars
Brian COPSEY & The COMMOTIONS: Boys in love
BRIGADES: Janis would say - Riot and dance
BRIGHTON 64: JP - Te da igual
B.T.P.FOLDERS: Radio - All of a sudden
BUDDY LOVE: I just wanna hold yo
BUGS: NRP - Döda Döda
BUREAUCRATS: The grown up age
BUSINESS: Saturday heroes - Drinkin' and drivin' - Spanish jails - Out in the cold
BUZZ: Insanity
BUZZCOCKS: E.S.P. - Nostalgia - I don't mind
CALAMITES: Toutes les nuits - Malhabile
CAMERA SILENS: Realite - Pour la gloire - Sans sursis
CANDY: Whatever happened to fun
CARPENTER JOE: Dangling man
CARPETTES: Nothing ever changes - I don't mean it - Youth rebellion - Away from it all - Dead or alive - Cruel honesty
Tina CARTIER: C'est mon choix
CARTOONS: Lunchtime love affair
CARTOONS(AUS): Feel my heartbeat
CASE(SWE): Svara halla
CHATTERTON: A travers la nuit
CHECKMATE: Only fools pretend to be happy
CHEEK: Do you have a soul?
CHEESE: Kids don't mind
CHEFS: 24 hours
CHELSEA: Trouble is the day - Evacuate - All the downs
CHERRY BOYS: Too much confusion
CHILD: Here comes summer - Caroline and me
CHORDS: Something's missing - In my street - Maybe tomorrow
CHOSENS: Bargain basement lover
CHRONICS: Test tube baby
CHRON GEN: Lies - Living next door to Alice - Breakdown
CICHLIDS: Did you ever
CIGARETTES: You were so young - I've forgot my number
CIRCLES: Angry voices
CITIZENS: T.V. woman
CIVILS RADIO: Weekend weekend
CLASH: Career opportunities - Janie Jones - Clampdown
CLASSICS: Audio, audio
CLERKS: When the lights go out - No good for me
CLUB WOW: The Nights Are So Long
CLUES: No vacancies
COCKNEY REJECTS: Oi! Oi! Oi! - East End - Bad man
COCK SPARRER: Take 'em all - The Sun says - Riot squad
COLORS: Rave it up - Growing up american
COMETS: Big business jokes
CONTACTS: Young girls
CONTAINER: Together with you
Fizz pop - Two lips from Amsterdam
CORTINAS: Television families - Tribe of the city
COSMETICS: Perfect life
Josie COTTON: So close
CRACK: Easy street
CRAMP: She doesn't love me
CRASH STREET KIDS: Into you - Little girls
CRITICS: You can't lie
CRETONES: Cost of love
CROOKS: Modern boys - The beat goes on
CRYERS: Shake it up - I'm on fire
Clive CULBERTSON: Time to kill
CYANIDE: No progress
CINECYDE: Anyway you want it
Clive CULBERTSON: Busy signal
CULT: Frontier - I always lose my temper - It'll take time
De CYLINDERS: Computer rock
CYNETICS: Vilaine secretaire
DC 10's: I can see through walls
DA BIZ: On The Beach
DAGENS UNGDO: Den sanningssökande hunden
DAGOES: Little Blackie
DAMNED: Love song - Smash it up - There ain't no sanity clause
DANCE SET: Melody smiles
Phil DANIELS & THE CROSS: Welcome to the party
DARYL & THE CHAPERONES: My baby's a spy
DATE X: Trappuppgang - Brinnande Liv - Room 21
DAZZLERS: Lovely cras
DB COOPER: Had enough
DEADBEATS: Choose you
DEAD BOYS: All this and more - Ain't nothing to do
DEAD END KIDS: Have the right
DEAD KENNEDYS: Kill the Poor
DE CLASS: Semlan brinner
DEE & THE MONITORS: Play with fire
DEFECTS: Defective breakdown - Head on collision - Killer on the streets
DEFENDANTS: Such a spiv
DOCENT DÖD: Hejb - Bensin I blodet - Much to much
DEPRESSIONS: Chains & leather
DESAXES: Je veux qu'elle revienne - Teenagers électriques
DICKIES: Rosemary
DIODES: Tired of waking up tired - Midnight movie star - Shape of things to come
DIRECTIONS: 3 bands tonite - Weekend dancers
DISGUISE: Hey baby
DIRECT HITS: English girls - She's not here, there or anywhere
DIRTY RUST: Squaller
DISCO ZOMBIES: Heartbeat love
DISTRACTIONS: It doesn't bother me - One way love - (stuck in a) fantasy
DOLLY MIXTURE: How come you're such a hit with the boys
DONKEYS: Don't go - You jane - No way
DONUTS: She may be your girl
DOTS: I don't wanna dance with you
DOUBT: Time out
DP's: Television Romeo - Born to win
DRAGS: I wanna be a carnie - Tedster
DRIVERS: Tears on your anorak - Finchley girl - Found the right time
DRONES: Corgi crap - Can't see - Be my baby
DUMMIES: When the lights are out
DUSTCOLLECTORS: I don't want to go
DYAKS: Gutter kids
84: Salted city
EASTERN DARK: Johnny & Dee Dee - Julie loves Johnny - Julie is a junkie
EASY ACTION: En ganska rolig lek
EASYBEAT: I don't give a dawn - Om du g ör mig lycklig
EAT: Catholic love
EATER: Outside view - Queen bitch - Sweet Jane
EBBA GRÖN: Ung och kat
EDDIE & THE HOT RODS: Do anything you wanna do - Quit this town
EDITH NYLON: Edith Nylon - Tank
Dave EDMUNDS: Me and the boys - Hight school nights
Jimmy EDWARDS: Nora's diary
ELECTROCHOC: Chaise electrique
ELEVATORS: Your I's are too close together
EMERGENCY!: Blomstertid
ENEMY: Murder on the streets
ENGLISH: Hooray for the English
WILLIE ENGLISH: I can't have you
EPICYCLE: Hardcore punk - You're not gonna get it
ERAZERHEAD: Teenager in love - She can dance - Apeman
From the garage straight to your heart - Depression
ESCANDALOS: Aqui y ahora - Nada en la cabeza
ETER: Ruin
EUROPEANS: On the continent
EXCEL: I never knew - Tonight in the park - Rock show - Bad news - What went wrong - 1979 - One of the boys
EXILE: Disaster movie
EXIT: Out in the street
EXITS: The fashion plague - Cheam
EXITS(2): Apathy - Glandula Angela
EXPLOSIVES: A girl like you
EXPRESSOS: Want - Hey girl - Baby be bad to me - Tango In Mono
EXTAS: Kom tillbaks
EXTAZ: Min docka
4 MANDARINES: Ease my pain
FAD: Think
FADERS: Library book
FA KANDA MAN: Bomber som faller
FALLEN ANGELS: Housten tower
FANS: Hell have to go - Stay the night - You don't live here anymore - True love
FANATICS: Mobilisation generale - Train fantome
FAST: Kids Just Wanna Dance - B-Movies
FASTBACKS: It's your birthday
FAST CARS: The kids just wanna dance
FATAL CHARM: Glitterbit
FAVOURITES: Angelica - Favourite shoes - SOS
Charlie FAWN: Blue skies
FEATURES: Monday friday
FILM: Kad si mlad
FINDERS: Talk to me - Hideaway - Hideaway
FIRST STEPS: The beat is back - She ain't in love - Anywhere else but here - I got the news
Ian FISHER: Girls like that - It's a riot
FISCHER Z: Marliese
FLASH CUBES: Christi girl
FLOO FLASH: N'importe quoi - Un jour de plus - Mon époque
FLYS: We don't mind the rave - EC4 - I don't know
FM: Estou farto
FORGOTTEN REBELS: Eve Of Destruction - 3rd homosexual murder - Memory Lane
FOTO MODEL: Kiki - To nisi ti
FOUR SQUARES: I want her i need her
FOXY: Lit de poupée
Stanley FRANK: S'cool days
FRESHIES: House beautiful - Yellow spot
James FREUD & THE RADIO STARS: Modern girl
FUN 4: Singing in the shower
FUNBOY FIVE: Compulsive eater
FURYS: Say Goodbye to the Blacksheep - We talk, we dance
GANGSTERS: Best friend - Don't rely on me - Harlow town
GARBO'S CELLULOID HEROES: Only death is fatal
GAS: Ignore me - Swalow - It Shows In Your Face
GASOLINE: Killer man
GENERATION X: One hundred punks - English dream
GENEVA: Geneva street
GENTS(Ger): Modern time
GERMS: Media blitz - Communist eyes - Lexicon devil
GIFTED CHILDREN: Painted by numbers
Nick GILDER: Runaways in the night
GIRLS: I beg your pardon
GIZMOS: 1978
GLO: Du e du - Nästa helg sa kanske
GLOIRES LOCALES : La fille de l'Infirmerie
G.N.R.: Portugal na CEE - Se um GNR
GO: Gerri G - Ricki - You're the one
GOD'S HEART ATTACK: Treat me like a doll
GOD'S LONELY MEN: Heaven sent you - The last goodbye
GOTEBORG SOUND: Ung och stark
GPS: Panique sur la plage - Samedi soir
GRADUATES: If you want it
GRUPO PARLAMENTAR: Só por ti - Na minha terra
Randy GUN: I do
GUL A BLA: Precious to me
GYMSLIPS: Robot man
HANGOVER: Sick society - Time is running out - Goodbye
HARDTOPS: Indian giver - I know a girl
HAWKS: Lonely nights
HEADACHE: Can't stand still
HEADBOYS: The shape of things to come
HEADLINE: Scrounger
HEARTBEATS: Stuck on you - Thinking of you
HEARTBREAK: Gör va du vill
HEARTBREAKERS: Born to loose - Chinese rocks
HEARTBREAK HOTEL: Ride in the city
HEAT: High school sweater
HEATS: I don't like your face
HENRY ESSENCE: 14 year old lover
HEROS (Les): Elle a le nom d'un cocktail
HETSJAK: Tusen ögon och en natt
HI-FI's: Look what you've done
Jeff HILL: Feel like loving you
HJARTATARNA: Nummret till en ängel - Nummret till en ange
HOAX: We all hate myself
Pete HOLLY & THE LOOKS: Did i say
HOLLY & THE ITALIANS: Tell that girl to shut up - Baby gets it all
HOLLYWOOD KILLERS: Goodbye suicide
HOT NASTIES: I am a confused teenager
HS ART: Den kvarblivna myran - TV-Älskarens bön
HUBBLE BUBBLE: Born a woman
- New Promotion
HUNS: Busy kids
IINCEST BROTHERS: Dödens v äntrum
INCREDIBLE CASUALS: Money won't buy you happiness
INGEMAR BERGMAN TROOP: Inget pa - The modern girl
INFA RIOT: Catch 22 - Rock all ye faithfull - Five minute fashions
INFORMATION: Fri konkurrens
INFIDELS: Mad about that girl
INJECTES: Quitte à vendre mon âme au diable
INNOCENTS: One way love
INNOCENTS(AUS): Sooner or later - Come tonight
INTROZE: Kids in uniform - The naggin' song
INTERVIEW: Hide and seek
INVADERS: Rock methodology - Girls in Action
(LES) IMBIBES: C'est pas facile tous les jours
I.Q. ZERO: I'm in love
IRA: Pobre Paulista
JACKS: It's Not True
Joe JACKSON: Don't wanna be like that - Get that girl
JACK & THE RIPPERS: Don't pretend - Loser - Safe and secure
JAGS: Back of my hand
JAM: The modern world
JAPOP: Blodspengar - Dodens stad -24 karat
JANNE ANDERSON POP: Min bäste van - Redan försen
JERKS: Are you strong enough?
JETS(UK): Tearawa
JETS(US): Paper girl
JETZ: Catch me
JETSONS: Genetically Stupid
JILTED JOHN: Jilted John
Johnny CURIOUS & The STRANGERS: Jennifer
JOHNNY MOPED: No one - Darling let's have another
JOLT: Decoyed - See saw - (Can't you tell)It's over -
JUDY'S: She's got the beat
JUMPERS: Hello girl
JUMPERS(swe): Hang around me babe
JUST BOYS: Teacher's pet
KALIN: Le fond de la rivère Kwaï
KAMBRONES: Les doigt dans le nez
KAMENBERT: Ultimo Grito - Tuve Una Novia Psicodelica
Billy KARLOFF: Let your fingers do the talking - Crazy paving - Back street Billy
KEYS: I Don't Wanna Cry
Tommy KEENE: Landscape - I can't see you - Nothing happened yesterday
KICKS: Get off the telephone
KIDS: Fascist kops
KIDZ NEXT DOOR: Kidz next door
KILLERMETERS: Twisted wheel
KILLJOYS: Johnny won't get to heaven
Mark KJELDSEN: Something's happening
KLARK KENT: Don't care - Ritch in a ditch
KNIFE EDGE: Favourite girl
KNOW: I like girls - The first time
KNUGENS HAF: Du är inte ensam
KOMINTERN SECT: Dernier combat - Plus fort que tout - Dans la nuit
KOMMISSARIE ROY: Lev idag - Storlek 48 - Klippanpåg
KOPTERZ: Around the world - Immune to you
KÖTTGROTTORNA: Människor smakar gott
MP3 Part 2: L to Z